The Holland Dairy House is official established last friday 27 March 2015 in The Hague, the Netherlands. Cownexxion contributes in dairy management and dairy training course for this cooperation. The goal of this cooperation is to boost the international business for all the different partners by ... Read More
A Polish veterinarian and a German woman, used to be ICT-specialist, were trained in basic hooftrimming skills in 2 days time by Jan Bakker! Cows which can move better will drink more, eat more and produce more milk for this farm called Hohen Luckow.
About 50 farmers from Finland, organised in a study group, followed a 1 day seminar about future farming after the quota era. Presentation of Rabobank by Jacob Brand and Martin Eising about market and financial expectations gave fuel for discussion. Cownexxion emphasized the importance of good soil quality since fertilizer constraints are getting narrower and ... Read More
From 29th of October till 02 November 2014 Cownexxion gives presentation about hidden profit on Dairy farms at the Indagra show in Romania. This as part of the Holland Dairy House. We are pleased to welcome you in our house.